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La Rocca and Temple of Diana

The Temple of Diana is more than just a magnificent sight. It is a mystery that intrigues historians and architects alike. Was it a temple, a royal palace, or a defensive fortress? One theory suggests that it was named after the goddess of the hunt and used for worship, while another proposes that it could have been the seat of the royal palace of the first kings of Kephaloidion, the ancient Greek city. The presence of a water cistern also suggests that it was a fortified sanctuary dedicated to the worship of water-related pagan deities.

The construction of the temple took place in several phases, with the oldest part dating back to the 9th century B.C. The cistern, dug directly into the rock, is surrounded by large stone slabs resting on the edges and on an architrave supported by a central column of cylindrical blocks. The facade, on the other hand, dates back to the fifth century B.C. and is made of large irregularly shaped stone blocks. The upper part, which includes the lintel and the jambs, seems to date from the 2nd century B.C. and differs from the rest in its use of well-squared stones.

The Temple of Diana also has a religious significance, as the remains of two different churches, one inside the temple and the other above, attest to the area’s use for religious purposes. So, whether you’re a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply seeking a breathtaking view, the Temple of Diana is a must-visit destination that will leave you captivated and in awe. Come and uncover the mystery and beauty of this ancient wonder for yourself.

